TORSUS intrusion system is employed for the protection of rigid metal fences such as heavy welded panels and palisades. Consists of special torsion sensors which perceive the flexions and the torsions of the bearing posts during an intrusion attempt for breaking through and climbing. The particular shape of the sensor and the use of a special piezoceramic transducer provide TORSUS systems a very high sensitivity which can even detect climbing actions performed without causing shocks, vibrations or noises.
The system uses passive (non-powered) piezoceramic sensors supplied in pre-wired lines up to 50 metres long. Heavy-duty and versatile, SERIR 50 is suitable both for the protection of small residential perimeters (see in particular TORSUS COMPACT 50) and for the protection of larger and complex perimeters.
SERIR 50 uses the DEA NET network to centralise the alarm signals and eventually transmit them via IP protocol to the monitoring software (PSIM, VMS).
Key benefits
Climbing detection
Not only discriminate and detect breach, breakthrough and climbing events, but also climbing perfomed without causing vibrations and noises.
Immunity to environmental disturbances
It have a very high tolerance to adverse climatic events such as rain, snow and extreme temperatures, and to man-made factors such as roads, motorways and railways.
Compatible with the vegetation
Detectors are compatible with high grass and bushes and can be even installed on fences completely covered with evergreen climbing plants.
24h protection
Working on the boundary of an estate, offer a round-the-clock protection letting people move freely inside the perimeter.
Prewired sensor-strings
All detectors are wired, sealed and tested at the factory to avoid on site possible wiring mistakes and to guarantee the tightness of all the junctions from dust, water and humidity.
Maximum laying flexibility
The sensor-strings adapt themselves to the terrain conformation and to the direction of the perimeter, making it possible to follow bends and differences in level, avoid obstacles and overcome possible discontinuities along the fence.
Passive sensors
Sensor-strings do not contain active electronic components, therefore they do not require power and are immune to electrical and electronic faults.
High wear resistance
Specially designed for external use, sensors and cables have a very high resistance to UV rays and extreme temperatures. The piezodynamic transducer of the sensor is virtually inexhaustible.

New IP native processing boards
The new signal processing boards – one dual-zone and one four-zone – now have a USB port, an Ethernet interface for native support for IP networks, and a completely updated service software.
Perimeter protection in kits
Key benefits
Simple yet sophisticated.
Ready to install.
Ideal for small compounds.
The COMPACT version of TORSUS 50 system has been especially designed for compounds of maximum 100-metre length, where it provides very good ratio between price and performance.