


Integration with XENSITY

For even smarter management


SISMA CA is an intrusion detection system for outdoor flooring with concrete foundations. One of a kind, it employs special pressure sensors which detect a person walking or standing on the protected area. Since they are integrated inside the screed of the flooring, the sensors prove to be completely invisible and cannot be sabotaged.


SISMA CA discreetly protects all the floored areas before doors and windows, detecting an intrusion event before the intruder has entered the protected building. It can be also employed to protect terraces, driveways and walkways.
If dirt ground, grassy areas or surfaces without concrete foundations are present, the system to be used is SISMA CP 50.


SISMA CA sensors detect the pressure changes (weight) between the screed where the sensors are integrated and the floor above. Each SISMA CA module provides independent alarm signals, allowing an accurate identification of the area concerned by the intrusion and an independent calibration of each zone.


The system is composed of sensors and analysis electronic boards. The sensors are supplied in prewired modules from 1 to 4 square metres, which can be placed side by side to cover more exteded areas.
The analysis boards manage the signals perceived by the sensors, triggering alarm events and making them available by means of local relay contacts or DEA NET centralization network.


The most important key feature of the system is its invisibility. Since the detectors are completely covert, SISMA CA does not interfere with the aesthetics of the protected site. Such feature is highly appreciated not only in residential buildings, but also in museums, art galleries and archaeological sites.

Key benefits

Protezione invisibile

Invisible protection

Placed on the surface of the slab and integrated in the screed, SISMA CA sensors prove to be completely invisible.

Tarature per modulo

Individual calibration

Each sensor-module can be calibrated and configured independently, with the possibility of varying its security level according to the risk degree relevant to that area.

Immunità ai disturbi climatici

Immune to environmental nuisances

The system is not affected by adverse climatic events, such as wind, rain, snow and hail and by the falling of leaves and small tree branches.

Compatibilità piccoli animali

Compatibility with small animals

The system can discriminate small sized animals from real intrusion events.

Nessuna manutenzione

Maintenance-free sensors

Thanks to their robustness and the absence of active electronic components, the sensors do not need any planned maintenance.

Garanzia del produttore

20-year warranty on the sensors

The robustness of our sensors and their capability to operate under a thick layer of concrete have enabled us to extend their warranty period to 20 years*.

*Warranty period valid in European Union only.

Integration with XENSITY

With the new BR-XS-SMCAPU interface board, SISMA CA makes its entry into the XENSITY ecosystem. The updated version of the XENSITY service software, capable of managing the new interface board, allows the system to be configured and its sensitivity and security level adjusted. Programming and calibration can be done both locally and remotely via IP network.

Scheda di interfaccia BR-XS-SMCAPU

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SISMA CA | Intrusion detection system for flooring

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